Another International Blog Post!

Hi Everyone! Just finished a great, long, monster of a post, Weathering the Winter Holidays ! This is the second in our series of blog posts from around the world on thematic topics. Mines coming at you from the West Coast of Canada, and I'll be adding links below to the articles by this wonderful  community of writers as they become available. This is also a topic I've been planning to address in Taming the Beast (the book) so this amounts to a nearly complete sneak preview from the book itself, as well. It's a long one, because this is such an important topic! So many stresses, so many extra challenges for all of us Beast Tamers... I'd be so pleased to hear your feedback; have I touched on all the aspects you'd like to see addressed? Is there any further resources or concepts you'd like to have me add when it comes to the finished product ? I need your help in making Taming the Beast (the book) into the best reference I possibly can, so don't be shy! Thanks so much, my friends.

And now, for your reading pleasure, (drumroll):

the International Blog Post series on Surviving the Holidays:

Jo in the UK: Getting Through Yule; Chronic Illness, Pain, and the Festive Season

Elle in the UK:

Isy in the USA:

Suzanne in the USA:


Author: Lili Wilde
Date Posted: 2013-12-14   Date Last Edited: 2014-01-05 16:28:37


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